Advanced Family Wellness Membership Program

Advanced Family Wellness Membership Program* is a low monthly fee that allows you to be a member of our practice.  The AFWMP is an exclusive agreement between you and our clinic not between Advanced Family Wellness and your health insurance company.

Membership to our program includes:

1. Spinal Adjustments

2. Extremity Adjustments

3. Electric Stimulation/Therapeutic Ultrasound (If Clinically Necessary)

3. Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation

4. Cold Laser Therapy (Quantum Wave Laser)

*Membership is not necessary to receive care. This is an option available to you.

Payment types accepted:

Because of the extreme discount of our membership plan, monthly bank drafts/EFT are preferred.

However, if you would like to use a credit card or pay in person each month, there is a small processing fee.